Sunday, May 07, 2006


The man forbade me to go out
He says I'm sick, not allowed
to get out of bed either.
I keep staring at the insignificant shadows in my room.

That's the word he uses
when he talks about me.
I think I know what it means

Shadows are insignificant in thickness
they don't exist in the air
they just cover the surface of things;
the grass, the street, the earth.
Ice creams dipped in chocolate.

Night is the biggest shadow I know.
The man says I'm scared to death of the night
but I know it's just a shadow
lying on the surface of things.

I know I'm right because
I can see the stars.


Blogger Frank Báez said...

si si si si si, es bien bueno el poema.

12:11 PM

Blogger Homero Pumarol said...

Que barbarazo, se me había olvidado este poema. Qué bueno es men.

1:23 PM

Blogger el maremoto said...

Gracias, la vaina es que me lo creo, me gusta de verdad, es como si no fuera mío.

10:47 PM

Blogger balamia said...

tanto moco que tu te ta comiendo aqui y no me habia dicho...
en serio, que cool

6:26 AM


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